Maybe--just maybe--to the city's credit, what is in the green box is not the number it resembles perfectly. Maybe it is simply an introductory formula: "lo," as in "lo and behold," heralding the imminence of Hour Parking. This would also create a primitive, but nevertheless cute, rhyme with the red box's contents as well.
Alternatively, this could be an oblique reference to Jupiter's fourth (in Galileo's reckoning; I believe the count is now at sixty-three) and shortest-named satellite, Io, or to the eponymous Greek maiden, who was transmogrified into a heifer by Zeus (a.k.a. Jupiter; the symmetry should not be alarming, as all four of Galileo's Jovian moons are named for paramours of that lubricious god-father) to hide her from a jealous Hera. Santa Monica has always revered the Classics.
Later, perhaps, we will consider the possibility that this space is specially designed for time-warp vehicles.
Maybe it is just for the day you change your clock on daylight saving time?
hehe, mag sein--gute Theorie!
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