Thursday, January 20, 2005

Vote here

Whetted by the previous post, Below Dunster is currently taking votes as to whether I should post my brief treatise on ideal first names.

A 3-1 aye-nay ratio will win the post. Cast your vote in the comments section.

*Also coming soon: the treatise "On the mixing of fruit and grain products." There is no poll for this one.

*Not coming soon, or ever, but considered axiomatic: the hilarity of saying "What is this, the RC?" Comments are welcome on this, too.

Be sure to specify whether your comment relates to "first names" or "RC."

1 comment:

lizzo said...

oh my goodness, justin... tracy showed cat and me the bathroom post after iv today, and we laughed so hard we cried. that is PRICELESS.

i also laud you for choosing the right weblog service.

hope you're doing well, justin! i will definitely be reading this regularly.

-- liz lin